Der Festival of Friends Society

This project was accomplished with support of the European Union in the
context of the action GRUNDTVIG of the program of SOKRATES. The contentwise
responsibility of the project is at the editorship of the project. In no way the
opinion of the European Union is shown.

Sokrates, Grundtvig 2 – Lernpartnerschaften

Making SPACE for Change
The first meeting took place Oct 4. - 8 in Asturias/ Spain. Together with the
project partners from Lancaster, GB and Vienna, Austria visited the Festival
of Friends Society team the prison Villabona. We got an impression of the life
of the inmates and the work of the teacher team in the prison.
We were introduced to their learning method, called U.T.E. The Festival of
Friends Society facilitated together with Galli Group Society a Workshop:
" The Seven Kellerkinder, as source of strength - based on the Galli Method".
15 inmates of the prison Vollabona participated in this Workshop. They were
very receptive and the Workshop was a great success.

The inmates presented a theater piece in English for the European Union
visitors, where they explained their daily life in prison.
The next meeting of the SPACE project takes place April 18 – 22, 2007 in
Lancaster, GB.


Festival of Friends e.V.
Haslacher Str. 15
79115 Freiburg i. Brg

T. +49 - 761 4013 753